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Capturing Light

Last week I treated myself and tested out my new camera on a photography course run by Canon and JKG Photography. Booked by the lure of the Bournemouth seaside - it was my first time photographing a model - and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

Bar having the experience of shooting a model, one of the things I loved learning on the course was the art of using reflectors to enhance skin glow. It was like discovering the secret of natural light manipulation. The way a well-placed reflector could highlight my model’s features and add a warm, ethereal glow to her complexion was nothing short of magic. It was a simple step that I loved.

What struck me the most from Jade (of JKG Photography) was the emphasis on fixing issues on set rather than in post-production edits. It's easy to fall into the habit of relying on software to correct imperfections, but this course reminded me of the power of getting it right on camera. Not only does it save time during post-production, but it also results in a more authentic and true-to-life image. A reminder for me to allow time on set to make sure set ups are right, before rushing in.

As a producer, time is always of the essence in any production, and the ability to streamline post-production is always welcome. Jade provided valuable insight into how small adjustments on set can translate to significant time savings down the line.

Beyond the technical aspects, the day was an absolute blast, Jade was super knowledgeable and incredibly approachable. Her passion for photography was infectious, and it created that energy where questions were welcomed, and creativity was encouraged. Trust me, I lost my nerves quickly and was snapping shots from all angles! I've added some of the pics I took - just a reminder these are totally unedited.

Walking out of the course, my confidence had taken a giant leap. I felt equipped with new skills and a fresh perspective. It reminded me to take a minute to appreciate learning and how having an afternoon of fun whilst finding a new way to see the world is no bad thing.

Course Host: Castle Cameras

Educator: JKG Photography


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